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Elm City Communities/Housing Authority of the City of New Haven and The Glendower Group was awarded a Choice Neighborhoods Initiative Planning Grant in 2023, from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to help revitalize and transform a portion of the Union Square (aka Hill) community. This grant will enable the City to develop a community-driven plan for Robert T. Wolfe Apartments and an expanded area around the public housing complex.

CNI provides competitive grants to transform neighborhoods of concentrated poverty into neighborhoods of opportunity by rebuilding both public and assisted housing into thriving, sustainable, mixed-income communities with access to a range of jobs, amenities, and supportive services. This comprehensive process brings together local leaders, residents, and many other stakeholders to create and implement a revitalization plan to transform distressed HUD housing and address  challenges and meet the neighborhood’s needs.

Choice Neighborhoods is focused on three core goals:


Replace distressed public and assisted housing with high-quality mixed-income housing that is well-managed and meets the needs of the surrounding neighborhood


Improve outcomes of households living in the target housing related to income and employment, health, and education.


Create the conditions needed for public and private investment in distressed neighborhoods to offer the services and amenities available and important to families like good schools, local businesses and transportation.


The Transformation Plan is a comprehensive neighborhood revitalization strategy based on the specific needs of the targeted site and neighborhood. When implemented, the strategy achieves the three core goals of Housing, People and Neighborhood.  See our Handbook here:

Union Square Planning Handbook

Examples of other HUD CNI projects can be found here: